I’ve worked with lots of pre teens and teenagers and discovered that I really love working with this age group. What is more rewarding than seeing a young person with their whole life in front of them begin to grow in confidence, overcome obstacles and realise their potential. Just like adults my younger clients have come with a wide range of difficulties that they have wanted to focus in that includes:

  • Lack of motivation to study or get things done that need doing
  • Emotional impact of bullying
  • Perfectionism
  • Anxiety in all its forms
  • Low Self Esteem<
  • Panic about exam
  • Lack of Confidence
  • Sports Performance
  • Social Anxiety
  • Performance Anxiety- fear of speaking and communicating fully
  • Struggles with making Friends and fitting in
  • Regular Fears and Phobias
  • Eating issues
  • Bedtime Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Anger issues
  • Coping with chronic physical health conditions
  • Depression
  • Coping with rejection and jealousy
  • I adore working with a younger age group and use a powerful hypnosis and coaching process that is designed to clear up the source of difficulties for deep and lasting results.

    Get in touch to make an appointment for a free consultation